CrowdRiff Culture

Internal swag

To create CrowdRiff branded swag for CrowdRiffers and also use as takeaway items for external conference events. 

Used elements from our brand guide which included our colours, photography, and Rifficons to create subtle and stylish apparel that people (actually) want to wear. 


Research, inspiration and snippets of process work

Internal Onboarding Kit

To create a fun and welcoming first day experience when new CrowdRiffers join the team.

Used our bold primary colour and our playful custom icons (Rifficons) to emphasize our friendly and fun culture! Prepared new hires with office essentials and a welcome note from our CEO and CTO to let them know how excited we are!

Onboarding kit includes: 
CEO and CTO note, CrowdRiff T-shirts, notebook, pen holder and pens, stickers and promotional deals from local shops! 

March 2019

Inspiration and snippets of process work

Next Project 👩🏻‍🎨

Using Format